Filter Lists

You can create white or blacklists for your campaigns. This feature allows you to exclude irrelevant domains, publishers, devices, and more by adding them to the blacklist. On the other hand, you can target your ads specifically to certain domains, publishers, sites, apps, and more by adding them to the whitelist.

How to create a Filter List

To open the Filter Lists section, navigate to the designated area and click on the [+Filter List] button.

On the Create Filter List page, you will be prompted to set the list name and its type. The type refers to the entity you want to filter by, such as domain, app, app bundle, and so on.

To add conditions for filtering, such as site domains or IP addresses, enter each condition on a new line in the designated list field.

If you have a long list of conditions, you can save time by uploading the list from a file. Simply click on [Upload List] below the list field and select either a CSV or Excel file. After uploading the file, the list will be populated in a moment.

Hint: The field on the right side shows the current number of rows in the filter, which can be useful for managing large lists.

Warning: Please note that it is not recommended to add bundles to filter lists by domains. Bundles are typically managed separately and should not be included in domain filter lists.

Once you have finished creating the Filter List, click on the [Save] button to proceed and save your changes.

To edit an existing filter list, navigate to the Filter Lists section and click on the name of the desired list. You can then edit the rows of the list as plain text.

How to Apply Filter Lists

To apply Filter Lists to the campaign, open a campaign, and go to the Filter Lists menu.

Click 'Select from List' and select the needed Filter List from the drop-down list:

Then, save the campaign.

Note: The system requires some time to apply a new or updated filter list to the campaign. Wait about 15 minutes after applying the filter list, and then run the campaign.


Please pay attention to the campaign targeting settings and filter lists to avoid contradictions. It is important to ensure that these settings are aligned to avoid potential issues. For instance, if you set your campaign targeting to only allow 'In App' traffic and then apply a whitelist filter list that restricts traffic to certain sites, it may result in no traffic being available for your campaign.