
You can use the macros with the 3rd-party ad tag. Macros are built-in tracking variables (or, more simply, placeholders) that allow specifying additional parameters and details provided with a tag. When an ad serves, ad server replaces it with a real value to provide it to an advertiser. Typically, macros are used to optimize fill-rate, track the user behavior and store data about the individual user or device to which an ad is shown.

Note: Macros allow tracking information on the advertiser side. This information will not be available in reports on the DSP side.
To add macros, click the ‘Tag macro list’. You will see all available macros. Choose the parameters you need and add them to tag manually. To do so, copy a macro from the first column, add a question mark '?' after the link itself, and then paste a pair of macro in the following format: SUB_ID=[SUB_ID]

Note: separate pairs of macros with an ampersand sign '&', like ...SUB_ID=[SUB_ID]&SOURCE_ID=[SOURCE_ID]&CARRIER=[CARRIER]...

Note: You can only use macros from the Tag macro list. Macro is case sensitive.

Here is the list of macros available at the moment, and a brief description of their purpose:
[APP_BUNDLE] Application Bundle Name
[BROWSER] User's Browser
[BROWSER_VER] User's Browser Version
[CARRIER] Carrier
[CITY] User's City
[CLICK_ID] Unique click identifier
[COUNTRY] User's Country
[CREATIVE_NAME] Your creative name (Set by advertiser)
[DATE_TIME] Date in Format Y-M-D H:M:S
[DEVICE_LANG] Language Used On The Device
[DNT] Do not track flag, where 0=tracking is unrestricted, 1=do not track.
[GDPR] For requests from Europe. Default 0
[GDPR_CONSENT] If GDPR applies, contains consent details.
[GEO_LAT] User's Latitude
[GEO_LON] User's Longitude
[GPP_SID] Designates whether a section (i.e. regulatory framework) of the Global Privacy Platform should be applied. Specifically, it indicates whether the user is located in a country affected by legislation covered by the GPP..
[GPP_STRING] This is the IAB Global Privacy Platform (GPP) string. If a section of the GPP applies, then this will contain framework-dependent information reflecting the consent elections of the user. Note: * XXXXX can represent any numerical id
[HASH] Unique Identificator
[HEIGHT] Placement Height
[IAB_CAT] Site / Application Сategory
[IFA] User's Device IFA. (For Android and iOS devices)
[IP] User's IP Address
[LMT] Limit Ad Tracking flag (0 = unrestricted, 1 = limited).
[OS] User's Operation System
[OSV] User's Operation System Version
[PAGE_URL] Page site
[SITE_APP_ID] Site ID / Application ID (SSP Partner)
[SITE_APP_URL] Full Site URL / Application Store URL
[SITE_DOMAIN_APP_NAME] Site Domain / Application Name
[SITE_NAME] Site Name
[SOURCE] Web Domain or App Bundle ID
[SOURCE_ID] Source ID (SSP Partner)
[SUB_ID] Request ID
[USER_AGENT] User's Browser Agent
[VIDEO_MIME] Video MIME Type (e.g., 'video/x-ms-wmv' or 'video/x-flv')
[WIDTH] Placement Width

For example, tag with PUBLISHER_ID and IAB_CAT macros:
<script src="[PUBLISHER_ID]&IAB_CAT=[IAB_CAT]"></script>
Later, when this tag is used to display an ad to the user, the values in square brackets will be replaced with real information (in this case, the identifier and the category/categories).

Note: Macros allow tracking information on the advertiser side. This information will not be available in reports on the DSP side.