How to Manage Campaigns

Campaigns section, after adding campaigns, will look like this:

  • At the top of the section you can see a brief dashboard that lets you know the key performance indicators of all your campaigns: Impressions, Spend, eCPM (effective Cost Per Mille, which is a cost for a thousand impressions), Reach (the number of unique users who have seen your ads). Click

    button on the right to hide or show additional dashboard gauges, like Bids, Wins, or WinRate.

On the main area of the page, there is a list of campaigns and their main info in a table view. There are such columns displayed by default:

  • Status, On/Off – these fields show whether the campaign is active or not, and allows to change its status in one click.

  • Type – shows the type of the campaign: banner, video, or native.

  • ID – a unique identifier of the campaign

  • Name – you can open a campaign for editing by clicking on its name, or changing its name instantly – to do so, hover the mouse over the name and click on the 'pencil' button. Then, set the new name and click
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    to save.

General fields show such settings of the campaign:

  • Date Start – the date when a campaign starts working. It may be a future date, so you can delay the start of the campaign.

  • Date End – the date when a campaign stops.

  • Daily Budget shows the campaign's budget spending. It shows the information in the format "$150.00 from $500.00", where the first number is the sum already spent today and the second number is the daily spend limit.

You can change it quickly: just hover the mouse over a record, and click the 'pencil'. Then, set the value and click to save.

  • Budget – a number of the budget already spent for the whole campaign, and the overall budget limit of a campaign.

You can change it quickly: just hover the mouse over a record, and click the 'pencil'. Then, set the value and click to save.

  • Daily Impressions show the number of impressions got today. It shows the information in the format "250,000 from 500,000", where the first number is the impressions earned today and the second number is the daily impressions limit.
    You can quickly change the daily impressions limit: just hover the mouse over a record, and click the 'pencil'. Then, set the value and click to save.

  • Impressions - the overall number of impressions gained and the overall impressions limit.
    You can change it quickly: just hover the mouse over a record, and click the 'pencil'. Then, set the value and click to save.

    Performance fields show the performance metrics of a campaign:

  • Bids – the number of bids performed by the campaign. A bid is when a campaign participates in an auction (each time when the user opens the ad placement) in order to be able to display the creative.

  • Wins – the number of auctions wins.

  • Win Rate – wins to bids ratio. In a general sense, it shows how competitive was the campaign among the rest of the advertisers who competed for the placements.

Note: you can change the order of the columns. To do so, click button and in the 'Selected' area hover the mouse on the right of the needed column, drag it and drop it in the preferred position in the list.

Above the list is a Search field: select the field by which you want to search, and then type part of the name of the needed campaign and wait for a moment, and you will see a search result.

You can select several campaigns to delete them or to make copies of them. To do so, select needed campaigns via checkboxes on the left, and click the corresponding action button:

When copying, there will be created companies with the word "clone" in the name. You can change their names at any moment.

If just one campaign is selected, there is also the 'edit' button.